谦康实业(上海)有限公司优势提供原装意大利NARDI COMPRESSORI压缩机-压缩机、NARDI COMPRESSORI气泵、NARDI COMPRESSORI空压机,NARDI COMPRESSORI泵,NARDI COMPRESSORI抽气泵,NARDI OMPRESSORI低压泵,NARDI COMPRESSORI柱塞泵等。详情请联系我公司。 NARDI COMPRESSORI压缩机、NARDI COMPRESSORI气泵、NARDI COMPRESSORI空压机,NARDI COMPRESSORI泵 ,NARDI COMPRESSORI抽气泵,NARDI COMPRESSORI低压泵,NARDI COMPRESSORI柱塞泵 Founded in 1980 NARDI COMPRESSORS is a factory manufacturing oil less air compressors with innovative design and the latest technological specifications. Managing experience together with the staff cooperation have created a flexible unit dedicated to satisfyng all its customer needs. Open to every news and steadily abreast of technical progress, the aim of the factory is offering a product of absolute reliability together with very low levels of noise pollution and in conformity with law in force. The use of high quality material and the test of every article allow Nardi to be a world leader in small oil less and piston compressors industry. NARDI COMPRESSORI压缩机、NARDI COMPRESSORI气泵、NARDI COMPRESSORI空压机,NARDI COMPRESSORI泵 ,NARDI COMPRESSORI抽气泵,NARDI COMPRESSORI低压泵,NARDI COMPRESSORI柱塞泵 谦康实业(上海)有限公司 Qkong Industrial(ShangHai) Corporation Limited. 地址:上海市宝山区沪太路5018弄梓坤科技园1号楼1019室 Add: Room 10-19, Building A,No.5008 Hutai Road, Shanghai City. China 联系人:罗小姐 手机: 13296073160 座机:021-60523160 Q 邮箱:3572400582@ 3254393926@qq.c E-mail: chunmei.luoqkong@industry.co